Established: 2013

Location: Auckland – Birkenhead

Contact Name: Cristiano De Martin


Business mission and vision:
To provide knowledgeable & supportive people to food & beverage businesses by recruiting the right people and placing them in work places where they are both comfortable and competent.

“We provide skilled Culinary and Food & Beverage staff to various businesses in New Zealand plus we help with recruitment.”

Tailored answer to their requirements, the right person in the right place.
As a way to create a personalized answer to businesses requirements while utilizing the knowledge and skills acquired in over 30 years of being a chef.
Like many other businesses the challenges are a combination of managing the financial side, from initial investment, cash flow, wages, expenses and recruiting the right people in a very competitive market with limited resources available.
Resizing and re structuring the business in order to survive the covid 19 period which is still ongoing. By analyzing and prioritizing our focus on the right resources and by keeping our client aware of what we can do.
These are traits required in today’s hospitality businesses as we are facing one of the greatest challenges with very limited support given. The importance of maintaining a short and medium term vision on where the business is and going help us re focusing on the challenges.
We manage to provide quality service to our clients and see their businesses thrive with our help. We have many long term clients whom uses us weekly and provide the backbone of our revenue.
The ability of providing a service with short notice and in difficult times.
At present we have around 40 staff
We have many satisfied clients that use our services weekly and have been doing so for years.
Create my work environment, make the decision on where the business needs to focus, some degree of flexibility on working schedule.
Used to sponsor Westpac Helicopter but as times are now quite tough we no longer can.
I personally go to hospitality school and give talks about the industry and about my experience in it, we provide guidance on career path and work with some government agencies to help people finding work (like refugees)
I’m entering as a way to get my business known, thank you for the opportunity.


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