“Designs and installs home entertainment systems and data and WiFi systems. Also hires audio gear.”
Barry Wakelin Installations
Established: 2008
Location: Wellington
Website: barrywakelininstallations.co.nz
Business mission: “To bring technology into peoples home in an easy to use way that makes them happy.“
Admission to trade shows.
The ability to take time off to do things with the family in the school holidays.
Admiration from others who haven’t done it themselves.
I also support the Special Children’s Christmas Party every year.
I have since realised that it is much more.
The knowledge that I am responsible for my employees rent payments was a bit of a revelation and made me work harder to make sure that his wages happened every week.
Time has also taught me that a thank you from a club at its AGM is worth as much or more than the money that would have been realised by charging them for my services.
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